
Plastic Surgery for Skinny Legs (And a Big Butt)

Black Woman Laying On The Floor Putting Up Her Crossed Legs

It’s common to feel dissatisfied with the size of your legs and wish to make them slimmer and more toned. For patients with this cosmetic concern, liposuction is an effective treatment for sculpting their legs to make them skinnier. Additionally, patients can achieve a bigger butt in the process by choosing to repurpose the harvested fat for a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL). In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of achieving this aesthetic.

Can Plastic Surgery Make Your Legs Skinnier?

Yes, liposuction can remove excess fat from your legs to make them skinnier. The procedure is most effective on the thighs and knees and less effective on the calves and ankles. The reason is that those who have thick calves or ankles (commonly called ‘cankles’) usually have large muscles in the area rather than excess fat deposits.

Additionally, to obtain slimmer legs through liposuction, your skin needs to be elastic so that loose skin doesn’t obscure the slimming effects of the procedure. If you have saggy skin in your thighs, a thigh lift may be a more appropriate procedure.


Liposuction, or suction-assisted lipectomy, is a surgery that removes excess fat from targeted areas of the body.

Benefits of Liposuction for Skinny Legs

Liposuction is a popular body contouring surgery that provides patients with several benefits. It can permanently remove excess fat deposits from multiple areas of the body to sculpt and define your figure. Such problem areas have stubborn pockets of fat that are usually resistant to diet and exercise. Additionally, liposuction leaves minimal scars, which resemble dots a few millimetres long.

Before and After


The cost of liposuction at the CREO Clinic starts from £3,900 for a small area such as the neck and £4,500 for a large area such as the thighs. However, prices vary depending on the size and number of areas requiring treatment. You will receive the exact price of your treatment following a consultation with our surgeon.


The procedure lasts 1-3 hours depending on the treatment area, and you will be under general anaesthesia or sedation. After making tiny incisions, the surgeon will insert a suction cannula to extract the excess fat. Finally, the surgeon closes the incisions with sutures. 


There may be swelling, bruising, and numbness in the affected area, which will begin to subside after a few days. Most patients can return to office work and light activities after one week and more strenuous activities after 2-3 weeks. You will need to wear a compression garment to minimise swelling and improve the contouring effects of the surgery. 

Results of Liposuction for Skinny Legs

Surgical liposuction removes fat from the area immediately, but results are not visible until after the post-surgical swelling has subsided. Therefore, the final results of your surgery may take 6-12 weeks to become apparent. By this time, the treated area will appear slimmer and more contoured.

How to Get Skinny Legs and a Big Butt

The ideal figure for most people includes having a big butt and slim legs. So, if you have more fat than you’d like in your legs and less volume than you’d like in your butt, you can solve both cosmetic issues with a Brazilian Butt Lift.

Brazilian Butt Lift

A Brazilian Butt Lift is a surgery that extracts fat from areas of your body where it’s in excess and injects it into the butt and hips to provide volume and curves. 

Benefits for Skinny Legs

  • A BBL improves the proportions of the lower body by adding volume and projection to the butt and curves to the hips. 
  • As part of a BBL, our cosmetic surgeon removes excess fat from surrounding areas of the buttocks, such as the hips and thighs, which further contours the body.
  • Compared to buttock augmentation with implants, a BBL leaves fewer scars and provides a more natural appearance.
  • BBLs provide quick and noticeable results that you won’t get through exercise alone.
  • By adding volume, a BBL improves the appearance of hip dips

Before and After of BBL


In general, the price of a BBL at the CREO Clinic starts from £7,900. The cost varies depending on the size of the liposuction treatment areas and the overall complexity of the surgery. You will receive the exact cost of your surgery after consulting with our surgeon.


A BBL usually takes between 2-4 hours, and you will be under sedation or general anaesthesia for the procedure. First, the surgeon will extract the excess fat cells from targeted areas of the body using liposuction. Next, the fat is purified and prepared for injection. Finally, the surgeon injects the fat into the butt to create your desired enhancement and BBL shape.

Dr Omar Tillo uses the BEST-F technique to perform all BBL procedures. This method involves injecting the fat superficially over the gluteal muscle with a guided ultrasound device. Thus, it is a safer procedure that allows for better surgical precision. 


You will experience swelling, bruising, and tenderness in your butt, hips, and liposuctioned areas, which will begin to dissipate in a few days. Most patients can return to office work and light daily activities one week after surgery and resume more strenuous activities after four weeks. Follow our aftercare and recovery tips to make your recovery as comfortable as possible and preserve your results.

Results of BBL for Skinny Legs

Your final BBL results are permanent and will emerge around 3-6 months after the surgery. By this time, your fat grafts will have settled, and your swelling will have subsided to reveal a more enhanced and contoured buttock. Furthermore, during this period, you will enter the fluffing phase, in which your skin expands to accommodate the fat grafts, thus making your results feel natural.  

Schedule a Consultation with CREO Clinic Today

Dr Omar Tillo is a double board-certified surgeon specialising in body contouring surgery. He has trained in using different liposuction technologies, including PAL (Power Assisted Liposuction), Vaser (ultrasound-assisted liposuction), and BodyTite (radiofrequency assisted liposuction). Additionally, he is a key opinion leader in BBL surgery, having developed the BEST-F technique to enhance the safety and results of the procedure.

If you want skinnier legs and a bigger butt, book a consultation with Dr Tillo at the CREO clinic to discuss a bespoke surgical solution and the best surgical techniques and technologies for your needs.