
Profhilo vs. Plenhyage: Breaking Down the Pros & Cons

Profhilo Vs. Plenhyage

Both Profhilo and Plenhyage are injectable treatments that can be used to create a glowing, radiant complexion. However, there are several key differences between the two treatments, including their composition and the exact results they can achieve.

In this article, we will discuss both Profhilo and Plenhyage, looking at how they work and the many benefits they can provide so that you can better understand the right treatment for your skin.

At CREO, our specialists are experts in injectable treatments, including Profhilo and Plenhyage. Book a consultation today to undergo a thorough analysis of your skin and get the glow-up you deserve! 

Profhilo Vs. Plenhyage: Breaking Down The Pros &Amp; Cons Medically reviewed by Dr. Omar Tillo MD, MS, EBOPRAS, FRCS (Plast)

Differences Between Profhilo and Plenhyage

Profhilo and Plenhyage can both improve the appearance of the skin but are composed of different substances that provide their own unique benefits.

CompositionPure Hyaluronic acid (HA)Polynucleotides 
How it WorksStimulates collagen and elastinStimulates collagen, elastin, and HA
ResultsHydrates and tightens the skinReduces inflammation, stimulates tissue repair and skin regeneration
PriceFrom £450From £450
Longevity 6-9 months6-9 months


Profhilo contains hyaluronic acid (HA), a substance that is naturally found in the body that depletes as we age. In addition, the HA found in Profhilo is non-cross-linked, unlike dermal fillers.

In contrast, Plenhyage is a polynucleotide treatment composed of stem cells. When injected, the substance draws in water and signals to the body to stimulate fibroblast cells to create more collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. In doing so, this helps to reduce inflammation in the skin as well as stimulating tissue reconstruction and wound healing agents. 

What is Profhilo?

Profhilo is a hyaluronic acid-based skin booster that works to hydrate and tighten the skin. When injected, the hyaluronic acid stimulates collagen and elastin, addressing skin concerns like smoothing out the appearance of fine lines and deep wrinkles while improving the overall quality of the skin for a glowing complexion. 

The results of Profhilo last up to 6-9 months, after which patients can undergo ‘top up’ sessions to maintain their results.

Benefits of Skin Boosters

  • Improves the skin quality for a rejuvenated, glowing appearance
  • Produces natural-looking results 
  • Tightens and firms sagging and dehydrated skin, smoothing out the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Hydrates and moisturises the skin 
  • Softens the appearance of textured skin
  • Reduces hyperpigmentation for a more even skin tone

Who Should Get Profhilo Treatment?

An ideal candidate are those in their thirties who are beginning to see the early signs of ageing skin but are not yet ready for dermal fillers or more invasive surgical treatment.

However, many adults can benefit from Profhilo, including those with dull skin, hyperpigmentation, dry and textured skin, as well as those with laxity.  

What is Plenhyage?

Plenhyage is a polynucleotide injectable treatment that stimulates fibroblasts in the skin cells to produce more collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid.  As a result, inflammation is reduced, and cell turnover increases, rejuvenating the appearance of the skin. 

The results of Plenhyage can be enjoyed for up to 6-9 months, after which patients may choose to undergo maintenance treatments. 

Benefits of Polynucleotides

  • Smoothes out the appearance of acne scars, reducing the appearance of indentations of acne scarring and improving the quality of scar tissue.
  • Boosts collagen production and cell turnover, reducing hyperpigmentation and sunspots.
  • Reduces chronic inflammation caused by rosacea, improving the texture and tone of the skin.
  • Reduces the appearance of dark circles, fine lines, and wrinkles, creating a youthful complexion.
  • Rejuvenates the skin for a glowing appearance.

Who Should Get Plenhyage Treatment?

Plenhyage is ideal for patients who are struggling with skin damage, uneven skin tone or texture, as well as those with dull skin or fine lines and wrinkles. In addition, Plenhyage is a great alternative for patients seeking to treat these issues without undergoing laser treatment or having more drastic surgical procedures such as a facelift. 

Which is Better: Profhilo or Plenhyage?

Both Profhilo and Plenhyage can vastly improve the appearance of the skin and create a more glowing and radiant complexion through healthy collagen stimulation and assisting tissue elasticity. In addition, both treatments can be used to minimise the signs of dark circles, ageing, and to improve the skin’s overall quality. 

However, the right treatment will depend on the exact issues a patient is experiencing. For example, for those with skin issues caused by inflammation like rosacea, Plenhyage is an ideal regenerative treatment. Alternatively, for patients who struggle with dry, rough skin patches, Profhilo can vastly moisturise and hydrate the skin, smoothing out problem areas.

Finally, patients struggling with various issues with their skin can benefit from undergoing both Plenhyage and Profhilo treatments. Doing so can bolster the amount of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid in the skin for optimal rejuvenation.