After having a baby, it’s common to struggle with getting back your desired pre-pregnancy figure with diet and exercise alone. Instead, they may wish to undergo a series of cosmetic procedures to reverse the effects of pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding on the body.
In this article, we will discuss what is included in a mummy makeover in London cosmetic surgery package.
The main purpose of a mummy makeover is to restore the pre-pregnancy figure or to contour the physique after significant weight loss. Therefore, at the CREO Clinic, we typically combine a breast augmentation with a tummy tuck and liposuction to modify the areas of the body that pregnancy generally affects the most.
This, however, varies, and some patients may have personal preferences in the cosmetic procedures they undergo. For example, some women wish to have a breast lift instead of a breast augmentation.
\It is not possible to undergo a Brazilian Butt Lift at the same time as other mummy makeover procedures such as a tummy tuck. This is because patients will need to rest on the opposite side of their body while the operated area heals, which is not possible if both a BBL and tummy tuck are performed at the same time.
However, the fat harvested via liposuction can be injected around the hips to add volume and reduce the appearance of hip dips. As it is not typically included in a mummy makeover, this comes at an additional cost.
The price of a mummy makeover at the CREO Clinic, including breast augmentation, tummy tuck, and liposuction, is around £19,900. Patients may wish to change the procedures included as well as the liposuction areas, and, as such, an exact cost can only be determined following a consultation with our surgeon.
At the CREO Clinic, the cost of a BBL starts at £7,900 with one area of liposuction. At the consultation, your surgeon will determine the right surgical techniques for your body, and a full cost breakdown will be provided for your bespoke treatment plan.
A mummy makeover is typically carried out under general anaesthetic and takes 4-6 hours to perform. However, the exact procedure is dependent on the surgeries chosen as well as the exact techniques for your body’s needs. At the consultation, your surgeon will provide you with an in-depth, tailored treatment plan. In general, liposuction surgery is first performed, followed by a breast augmentation, and finished with a tummy tuck.
The recovery period will be determined by the surgeries conducted and the size of the treatment areas. As the tummy tuck is the most invasive of the three procedures typically performed in a mummy makeover, it usually takes the longest to heal.
Patients undergoing a mummy makeover, including a full tummy tuck, are usually able to resume most activities 2-3 months after surgery. For patients undergoing a less invasive mini tummy tuck, this recovery is shortened to 3-4 weeks for normal daily activity.
The final results of your mummy makeover will become apparent as the swelling from surgery recedes in the treated areas. In general, this takes around 6 weeks for all three procedures and will continue to improve over the next 12-18 months as the body heals and any remaining swelling dissipates. After this, your breasts will be enhanced, and a flatter, stronger tummy will become apparent, creating a more contoured figure.
A BBL is typically performed under sedation or general anaesthetic, and takes around 2-4 hours to complete. Your surgeon will first perform liposuction to harvest fat cells from body parts where they are in excess, such as the thighs or hips.
After the fat is extracted and purified, it is then injected into the buttocks through a series of small incisions. At the CREO Clinic, we use a process known as the BEST-F technique (Buttock Enhancement and Superficial Transfer of Fat) to ensure the safest practice. This requires the superficial injection of fat above the gluteal muscle and uses an ultrasound device to monitor the placement of fat, ensuring precision.
After surgery, your surgeon will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions to ensure you have the smoothest recovery possible. The areas where fat was harvested, as well as the buttocks may be swollen, tender, and bruised. These side effects will gradually dissipate over time. Most patients typically return to most daily activities, including a return to work, after one week. However, patients should wait up to four weeks before engaging in more strenuous exercise.
You will immediately notice your enhanced butt following surgery. In the first 3-6 months after surgery, your skin will expand to accommodate the new fat grafts, making the increased volume feel natural (fluffing stage). A percentage of the moved fat will also be absorbed by your body, and so your surgeon will account for this in how much fat is injected. After this initial period, any residual swelling will have dissipated and you will be able to fully appreciate the final result of your newly contoured body, with a more voluminous butt.
If you are looking to enhance your figure, a mummy makeover or a BBL may be right for you. At the CREO Clinic, our plastic surgeon, Dr Omar Tillo, is one of the leading experts in the UK for body contouring surgeries and pioneered the BEST-F technique for BBLs to ensure the safest possible practice. Schedule a consultation with Dr Tillo today, where you can discuss your expectations and body goals, and design a bespoke, tailored treatment package that’s right for you.
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