
Breast Implant Replacement Cost

Breast Implant Replacement Cost

Although breast implants don’t have an explicit expiry date, they can become worn down and degraded over time, leading to an increased risk of implant rupture or rippling. In addition, many women choose to replace their implants to alter the size of their breasts. 

When considering breast implant replacement, many patients want more information regarding the cost of this surgery. In this article, we will explore the cost of replacing your implants at the CREO Clinic, what is included in the price and the various financing options available.

Dr. Omar Tillo of the CREO Clinic is a renowned body contouring surgeon with significant experience successfully performing breast reconstructive procedures, including implant replacements. 

To book a consultation with Dr. Tillo, contact the CREO Clinic today and find out how a breast implant replacement procedure can transform the aesthetics of your breasts.  

What Is Breast Implant Replacement?

Breast implant replacement surgery involves removing your current implants and inserting new implants. 

There are many reasons patients wish to replace their breast implants. Some may wish to undergo this procedure due to the current implants having ruptured, or causing a rippling effect on the skin of the breasts. Alternatively, patients may choose to alter the aesthetic of the breasts by modifying the size of their implants. 

How Much Does Breast Implant Replacement Surgery Cost?

As breast implant replacement surgery is essentially the same surgery as the initial augmentation, the prices are usually similar. At the CREO Clinic, breast implant replacement starts from £6,900. However, the cost of the procedure will vary depending on your specific needs. If you require a capsulectomy to remove scar tissue that has developed around the implants as well as an exchange, prices start from £10,900. 

The CREO Clinic offers a range of financing options for patients to spread the cost of their treatment, including interest free financing for up to 12 months.  

What’s Included In The Cost?

The above quoted price includes:

  • Price of the implants
  • Hospital and theatre costs
  • Surgeons fees
  • Anaesthetist and anaesthetic fees
  • Follow-up appointments with Dr. Tillo to monitor your progress
  • Compression garments

Additional costs may be incurred for chaperone services, private prescriptions and any additional medical tests that are needed.  

Is Breast Implant Replacement Cheaper Than Initial Breast Augmentation?

The price of implant replacement is typically similar to that of the initial breast augmentation. However, if a patient has developed capsular contraction, prices can be more expensive as the scar tissue will need to be removed (capsulectomy) in addition to changing the implants. 

Due to the bespoke nature of breast implant surgery, a full price breakdown will only be available following a 1-to-1 consultation with Dr. Tillo. 

Is There A Cost Difference Between Saline And Silicone Breast Implant Replacement?

There are two main types of breast implants available – saline or silicone. At the CREO Clinic, we use silicone implants to get the best results. 

Benefits Of Breast Implant Replacement

Replacing your breast implants comes with a range of unique benefits, including: 

  • Treating issues associated with existing implants, such as removing implants that have become deflated due to a rupture, restoring volume to the chest.
  • Saline implants that are causing a rippling effect on the skin can be replaced with silicone alternatives, providing a smoother aesthetic without compromising on volume. 
  • By changing your breast implants, patients can adjust the size of their chest to their desired aesthetic. 
  • If required, capsular contraction can be treated (capsulectomy) during the breast implant exchange procedure. This can alleviate any associated toughness and discomfort for natural looking and feeling results.
  • Implant replacement can adjust and improve the shape and position of the breasts for optimum results. 

Common Reasons People Get Breast Implant Replacement Surgery

There are many reasons that patients pursue breast implant replacement, with the most common reasons including:

Change In Size

Weight fluctuations and other life events such as pregnancy and breastfeeding can alter the size of the breasts. As a result, patients may choose to adjust the size of their current breast implants to achieve a more proportionate appearance for their breasts and body type. 

Breasts Starting To Sag

Due to the ageing process, the skin begins to lose elasticity and the effects of gravity cause the breasts to sag. Implants can also begin to ‘bottom out’, where they drop below the breast tissue  and sink lower. This is more common for larger, heavier breast implants as they create a greater downward ‘pull’ on lax skin. 

Breast implant replacement can remedy the bottoming out effect and, particularly when combined with a breast uplift, can restore a perkier, more youthful appearance to the chest.  

Capsular Contracture Has Developed

Capsular contracture describes the fibrous scar tissue that can form around the breast implant, creating a protective ‘capsule’. If too much scar tissue develops around the implant, it can become hard and dense and may result in discomfort around the breast – a condition known as capsular contracture. 

Breast implant replacement can include a capsulectomy to remove this tissue and associated discomfort, whilst restoring volume to the breasts with breast implant revision. 

Breast Implants Have Ruptured Or Deflated

Over time, implants can become worn and are more prone to rupture. As a result, the breasts can lose volume, causing a deflated appearance and upsetting the symmetry of the breasts. 

By replacing a ruptured implant, patients can restore the desired volume for a more aesthetically pleasing, symmetrical finish

Breast Implants Beginning To Ripple

When implants are above the muscle, the texture of the implant can begin to show on the surface of the skin. This is particularly common with saline implants, that can create a ‘rippling’ appearance on the breasts surface.

By replacing the implants, changing to silicone implants or altering their position, the texture of the skin can look smoother and more natural-looking, free from rippling.

Unhappy With Breast Augmentation

Some women choose to undergo breast implant replacement if they are not happy with the results of the initial breast augmentation procedure. This may be due to complications from surgery, or because they don’t like the appearance of their new breasts. 

By replacing their implants, many issues like rippling and ruptured implants can be removed, and the breast shape, size, and position of the implants can be altered for the best possible results.

Who’s A Good Candidate For Breast Implant Replacement?

A good candidate for this procedure is anyone who is unhappy with their current implants, whether this is due to complications or aesthetic reasons, who wishes to have new implants inserted. An ideal candidate should also:

  • Be at a suitable, stable weight, with a BMI below 30. Use our BMI calculator to check your eligibility. 
  • Be suitably healed from their initial breast augmentation.
  • Be in good overall physical and psychological health.
  • Have realistic expectations about the results breast implant replacement can produce. 

Breast Implant Replacement Procedure

Breast implant replacement is performed under general anaesthetic or sedation. An incision is required to remove the previous implants, typically in the same place along the breast crease as your initial augmentation. The implants are then removed, and the new implants are inserted before the incisions are closed with sutures. 

Types Of Breast Implant Replacement Incisions

To remove your old implants, an incision is usually made over the scar from your initial breast augmentation. This can be under the crease of the breast, beneath the nipples or in the underarm area. If the position of the implant is to be changed, an additional incision is made to insert the new implant into it’s new position. 

Breast Implant Replacement Recovery Process

Recovering from a replacement surgery is similar to the recovery timeline of your initial breast augmentation. You may experience side effects such as soreness, swelling and tightness around the breasts which will gradually fade in the first two weeks after surgery. 

Most patients feel well enough to return to work after ten days, and can resume most light activities after 1-2 weeks. However, you will need to wait up to six weeks before engaging in more vigorous activity by which time you should be fully recovered.

Complementary Procedures That Go With Breast Implant Replacement

Breast Lift

A breast lift, or mastopexy, is a surgical procedure to lift and reshape sagging breasts by removing excess skin. When combined with breast implant replacement, the procedures can help to create a perkier and more youthful appearance with the desired amount of volume. 

Fat Transfer (Composite Breast Augmentation)

Fat transfer involves harvesting fat from other parts of the body via liposuction and moving it to another area. Composite breast augmentation describes the process of combining implants and fat transfer breast augmentation for a substantial enhancement to the breasts while providing natural looking results.

Breast Implant Replacement Cost FAQs

Do surgeons charge to replace implants from breast augmentation?

Yes, you will need to pay for a breast implant replacement surgery. Prices are usually similar to your initial augmentation procedure, though may vary depending on your precise needs. n

Does insurance cover breast implant replacements?

Insurance is unlikely to consider breast implant replacement surgery as it is considered a purely cosmetic procedure. n

How much does breast implant replacement cost in the UK?

Prices at the CREO Clinic for breast implant replacement starts from £6,900. n

What are the risks with breast implant replacement?

The risks associated with replacement surgery are similar to those of the initial procedure. These include loss of nipple sensation, asymmetry between the breasts, haematoma, capsular contraction, implant rotation, loss or rupture and aesthetic concerns like rippling, wrinkling, or feeling or seeing the edge of the implant.n

Is there a certain amount of time I have to wait before getting breast implant replacement surgery?

You should wait until you are fully healed from your initial breast augmentation procedure, giving your implants ample time to rest in their final position before considering a replacement. This can take up to 6 months. n

Will I need to get a breast implant replacement again?

Although breast implants don’t have a fixed expiration period, many patients choose to have replacement surgery 10-15 years after insertion due to the increased risk of rupturing or rippling, and because they wish to alter the size of their breasts.n