As time passes your butt may begin to lose its shape and pertness as a result of ageing, pregnancy, or fluctuations in weight. Brazilian butt lift surgery, or BBL in London, is a highly effective treatment that helps restore volume to your buttocks, creating significant aesthetic improvements. However, one concern patients may have are dents after a BBL procedure.
In this article, CREO Clinic explores the possibility and likelihood of dents after BBL surgery, as well as detailing some simple advice for preventing dents before they occur.
To understand the many benefits of a Brazilian butt lift surgery, book a consultation with Dr. Omar Tillo, the CREO Clinic’s specialist BBL surgeon in London. Dr Tillo not only pioneered the safer BEST-F fat transfer technique, but he also wrote the guidelines for BBL surgery followed by all surgeons practising in the UK. He is a highly experienced practitioner with a proven record of providing excellent BBL outcomes.
‘Dents’ refers to unevenness or dimples in the skin of your buttocks after a BBL. Most dents predate surgery and are a result of cellulite, ligaments, or scar tissue, but there are some other causes of dents and dimples after a BBL surgery:
Following the steps below can help minimise the likelihood of having dents following your BBL procedure.
In the planning stages of your BBL surgery, be sure to inform your surgeon of any dents that you are aware of in your buttocks so that they are certain to be addressed during the surgery.
There are no guarantees that you won’t see dents after a BBL, but the best way to help avoid dents is to entrust your surgery to an experienced cosmetic surgeon with proven expertise in the field. This will help you avoid negative outcomes and create a natural-looking BBL shape for your butt.
Following the after-care instructions of your BBL surgeon is also of vital importance, so try to maintain a healthy diet, wear your compression garment as instructed, and avoid putting unnecessary pressure on your buttocks during your downtime.
One of the key pieces of advice to follow after your BBL surgery is to eat nutritious foods that will give your body all the vitamins and minerals it needs to aid recovery.
While feeding the fat in your body does not directly prevent dents, plenty of healthy fats like omega-3 should be a regular feature of your diet post-surgery — they are accessible in salmon, avocados, extra-virgin olive oil, and walnuts.
To maintain the best results after your BBL, follow these additional tips during your recovery.
To experience the transformative changes a BBL surgery can offer, book a consultation with Dr. Omar Tillo, the CREO Clinic’s double board-certified cosmetic surgeon.
Dr. Tillo is a highly-respected practitioner of Brazilian butt lift surgeries in London, and will use his extensive expertise to formulate a personalised treatment plan designed specifically to help you realise the natural-looking, curvy butt you deserve.
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