
When Do Breasts Stop Growing?

When Do Breasts Stop Growing?

Although breast growth can continue into a woman’s early 20s, breast tissue will typically stop growing at around eighteen years old. After this, any changes in the size or shape of the breasts may be down to other lifestyle factors such as weight fluctuations or pregnancy. 

Cosmetic surgeries such as a breast uplift, breast augmentation and breast reduction can all adjust the breasts in different ways according to your cosmetic needs – a lift can enhance perkiness and shape, whereas augmentation and reduction work on increasing or reducing size.

This article will explore the timeframe of breast growth and also answer some of the questions about the different surgeries that can make adjustments to breast shape and size.

The CREO Clinic’s Medical Director, Dr. Omar Tillo, is a senior body contouring surgeon, specialising in cosmetic surgeries from the neck down. Dr. Tillo has performed countless successful breast surgeries, and has mastered the art of making natural looking adjustments to the breasts, and achieving consistently excellent results.

Book a consultation at the CREO Clinic today and discover the ways Dr. Tillo could enhance your breasts.

When Do Breasts Stop Growing? Medically reviewed by Dr. Omar Tillo MD, MS, EBOPRAS, FRCS (Plast)

Understanding Stages of Breast Development

The initial stages of breast formation begin as a foetus, but the growth stage where breasts become more noticeable begins during puberty. Typically, this begins between 8-13 years old, as oestrogen starts to be produced by the ovaries and the milk-ducts begin the process of expanding. Tissue beneath the nipples starts to develop – this early stage of breast development usually shows very small amounts of growth, sometimes referred to as ‘budding’.

As a young woman progresses through puberty and the menstrual cycle begins, the breasts begin to develop further, and glandular tissue to aid the production of milk becomes a stronger feature of the structure of the breasts. The areola skin around the nipple may also become darker and larger until breast development is complete.

Average Age Ranges For Breast Growth

Generally, early breast growth begins between 8-13 years old, and breast development is usually complete by the time you reach eighteen years old. This can vary, as for some women continued growth can be seen into the early 20s.

Factors Influencing Breast Growth 

How Genetics Play a Role In Breast Growth

Genetics play a key role in determining the final appearance of your breasts. Breasts are a physical feature of your body like any other, so the genes passed onto you from your parents and antecedents will have a significant effect on how much your breasts will grow. 

Your inherited genes directly affect the hormone levels present in your body throughout your life, and hormones play a significant impact on the size and shape of your breasts. 

Certain Health Conditions Impact Breast Development

There are some health conditions that can affect normal development of the breasts and can lead to aesthetic concerns or even physical discomfort. The most common conditions are:

Gigantomastia – Gigantomastia is when breasts grow to be very large and can cause physical discomfort or aesthetic issues

Tubular breasts – Some breasts develop to become tube-shaped, which can affect milk production. Tubular breasts can be fixed with certain cosmetic treatments 

Early ptosis (sagging) –  When breasts sag and losing perkiness at an atypically early stage of life this is referred to as early ptosis – it is more common in larger breasts 

Breast Changes Beyond Puberty

One common misconception about breast development is that after puberty the size of your breasts cannot change. There are many factors that can influence breast size after puberty, such as hormonal contraceptives, weight fluctuations, and pregnancy. These variables can adjust the size and shape of your breast throughout your life, and part of the natural fluctuations of breast shape over a lifetime.

How Contraception and Pregnancy Can Factor In To Breast Growth

Contraceptives that use hormones – pills, IUDs and patches all contain synthetic hormones such as oestrogen and progesterone that can create small enlargements of the breasts and alterations in the density of breast tissue. In general, the effects of hormonal contraceptives will be reversed once you taking them.

Pregnancy is different for everyone, but for most women it changes the size and shape of the breasts. This is due to hormonal changes in the body that lead to changes in breast tissue to aid breastfeeding and milk production. The growth and multiplication of milk producing glands in the breasts tends to make the breasts fuller and larger.

How To Recognize Full Breast Development

Fully developed breasts can usually be recognised by the projection away from the chest wall and a uniformity of breast tissue – it should be evenly distributed across the chest. Nipples and areolas are usually darker in colour and larger than they were before, although this can vary between women.

Are You Concerned With Your Breast Size?

Whether you feel your breasts are larger or smaller than your preferred size, there are surgical procedures to attend your needs:

Breast Reduction 

The effects of very large breasts can have many negative effects on our quality of life, sometimes causing back pain and postural issues as well as other physical concerns such as bra strap indentations. A breast reduction can help alleviate the issues caused by breast hypertrophy by permanently reducing the size and weight of your breasts.

A breast reduction removes excess fat and tissue from the breasts and resizes them according to your aesthetic and medical goals. Of all cosmetic surgeries, breast reduction is known to provide the highest levels of patient satisfaction, as its physical and aesthetic improvements can be transformative.

Breast Augmentation

An augmentation works to increase the size of a woman’s breasts. This can be to correct breast asymmetry, enhance their body’s proportions, or to give the breasts a fuller appearance. Breast augmentation can use implants, fat transfer, or a combination of both of these techniques to increase the size of the breasts and improve their contour simultaneously.

Considerations Before Choosing Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Risks, Recovery, and Health Factors

Any surgery comes with some potential risks and a period of downtime, and breast surgery is no different. The important thing is to be fully informed of any potential complications and the kind of downtime you can expect before undergoing the surgery.

For example, all breast surgery will create some scarring, and, in some cases, the capacity to breastfeed can be reduced after a breast uplift or after a breast reduction surgery . However, in the hands of an experienced surgeon like Dr. Tillo, the risk of any issues such as infection, delayed wound healing, or dissatisfactory outcomes is greatly reduced.

Contact CREO Clinic To Consult with a Plastic Surgeon About Breast Surgery

Contact the CREO Clinic today and book an initial consultation with Dr. Omar Tillo, our double board-certified cosmetic surgeon and Medical Director. Dr. Tillo uses his many years of experience working as a cosmetic practitioner to formulate bespoke treatment plans that help you achieve your medical and aesthetic goals.