
When Can I Drive After A Breast Lift?

When Can I Drive After A Breast Lift?

After breast lift surgery, many patients want to understand when they can regain their independence and mobility through driving – often they can return to driving between one and three weeks after surgery, but this will vary from person to person, so it is crucial to follow your surgeon’s advice before getting back behind the wheel.

This article will explore everything you need to know about driving after having a breast lift or breast augmentation, as well as answering some questions about the practicalities of driving after a breast surgery.

The CREO Clinic’s Medical Director, Dr. Omar Tillo, is a specialist in breast lift surgeries, and his experience in the field means you can feel confident you are in the hands of a skilled professional – one who provides excellent long-term results.

Contact the CREO Clinic today and find out how Dr. Tillo could firm up your breasts through breast lift surgery.

When Can I Drive After A Breast Lift? Medically reviewed by Dr. Omar Tillo MD, MS, EBOPRAS, FRCS (Plast)

Understanding the Breast Lift Recovery Timeline Post-Surgery

A full recovery from a breast lift surgery can take up to 6 weeks – after this you will be able to return to a full exercise regime including the most strenuous activities. Most patients find themselves able to return to work after around 10 days of downtime.

Key Factors That Influence Your Ability to Drive After a Breast Lift

How Anaesthesia Affects Your Driving Readiness

In the first 24 hours after general anaesthetic has been administered you should not drive or operate any heavy machinery. This also applies to any medications that may affect your consciousness or your ability to concentrate, such as diazepam or other anxiolytics.

Pain Medication and Its Impact on Driving

It is important that you are free of the potentially distracting side-effects of certain pain medications such as codeine or morphine  – drowsiness can make you unfit for driving, as can other side effects that may affect your concentration. 

How to Assess Your Fitness for Driving After a Breast Lift

Physical and Emotional Considerations

Driving is an activity that requires concentration, so you should take into account any potential physical or emotional concerns that may distract you. Many women find that putting on a seatbelt while breast lift incisions are still healing is painful and uncomfortable – do not drive until you feel comfortable, pain-free and psychologically ready to do so.

Before you begin driving again, it’s important to consult your surgeon who can assess your readiness for driving by checking your medical condition and personal health.

Signs That Indicate You’re Ready to Get Behind the Wheel

If you are feeling comfortable and pain-free when putting on a seatbelt, this is a sign that you are ready to drive again. Just as important is that you feel psychologically ready and clear headed enough to concentrate on the demands of being behind the wheel.

Remember to wear your compression bra throughout your recovery, as this will reduce inflammation and help speed up your return to driving. 

Safe Driving Tips for Breast Lift Patients During Recovery

Adjusting Your Vehicle for Comfort and Safety

Comfort is key when returning to driving after a breast lift. Make sure that your seat, mirror, headrest and steering wheel are all set up to minimise pressure on your still healing breast tissue incision sites – the more comfortable and pain-free you are in the driver seat, the safer you will be. It is also important not to aggravate your incision sites during this important healing period.

Essential Precautions for Your First Drive After Surgery

Your first drive after surgery should be taken with great care, beginning initially by making a small journey away from traffic or busy roads – perhaps a few hundred yards up a side street. During this short drive, ensure you are comfortable and feel mobile enough to drive distraction free. If this is not the case, you may need more downtime before getting behind the wheel.

Consulting Your Surgeon About Driving Post-Breast Lift

During your initial consultation, Dr. Tillo will provide you with a clear timeframe for your recovery that will include when to begin driving, working, and returning to a strenuous exercise regime.

Different incision types can require different recovery times, so make sure to ask which incisions will be used in your surgery – this will help you understand your breast augmentation recovery timeline more clearly.

After your surgery, if you are unsure about resuming driving, make sure to speak to Dr. Tillo during your follow-up appointments or by contacting him via the CREO Clinic – he will be able to assess your condition and advise you about your fitness for driving.

The Importance of Following Doctor’s Orders for Driving Post-Op

Following your surgeon’s advice regarding driving is of paramount importance – this is because a specialist surgeon can offer advice based on past experiences with patients and their extensive medical training. If your surgeon advises you not to drive, it is crucial you take their advice and do not jeopardise your results or your safety.

Evaluating Your Mobility and Reaction Time After Surgery

After your breast lift surgery, your mobility will be impacted as well as your reaction time. This means that returning to driving too soon could be dangerous both for yourself and other people on the road, as well as having a negative impact on your recovery.

Our Medical Director, Dr. Tillo always advises the following precautions for returning to driving post-breast lift:

“Patients should firstly ensure that they are fully in control of the car – steering wheel and emergency brakes. They should also make sure they are not taking any medication that could cause drowsiness or affect their concentration.

“They should also test drive their car in a quiet traffic-free zone to ensure they are able to control the wheel and perform manoeuvres. They should also make sure they are comfortable performing an emergency stop.”

Understanding the Risks of Driving Too Soon After Surgery

While there are no hard and fast rules regarding when to return to driving after surgery, it is also true that many insurance companies will not insure patients in the weeks after certain surgeries because they can be a danger both to themselves and other drivers on the road.
There is also a risk that you may cause damage to the incision sites and delay the healing process – this damage could jeopardise your final results and worsen breast lift scars.


How long after a breast lift surgery should I wait before driving?

On average, breast lift patients will need to wait around two weeks before driving again. This can vary from patient to patient, but the most important thing to remember is that Dr. Tillo can provide you with the best advice about returning to driving – if you feel uncertain, contact your surgeon for a medical assessment of your fitness to drive.

What are the signs that I am ready to drive again after my breast lift?

Once you are pain-free when wearing a seatbelt and feel comfortable in the driving seat, you should be able to safely return to driving. You should also be free of any drowsiness that may be a side effect from pain medication.

Are there any specific driving precautions I should take after a breast lift?

Patients in breast lift recovery should ensure they are no longer taking medications that cause drowsiness, and should ensure they are in total control of the car before driving again. It is a good idea to take your car to a low traffic area to test your reaction times – you should be able to confidently perform an emergency stop and normal driving manoeuvres.

Wearing a seatbelt can be uncomfortable after a breast lift. How can I manage this?

You should not return to driving while putting on a seatbelt causes you discomfort – aggravating your incisions in this way can be a distraction from driving and can also impact the healing of your incisions. 

Is it safe to drive alone after a breast lift, or should I have someone accompany me?

Once Dr. Tillo has advised you can begin driving again, it is recommended that you take at least your first few trips with someone to accompany you. This will provide some reassurance while you regain your confidence behind the wheel. 

Contact CREO For a Breast Lift Consultation Today

To enjoy the benefits of a breast lift, book a consultation today with Dr. Omar Tillo, the CREO Clinic’s breast surgery specialist and highly experienced cosmetic practitioner. Dr. Tillo can formulate a personalised treatment plan that will include advice on what you can expect from your recovery and when you will be able to return to activities such as driving.