One of the more serious consequences of having large breasts is breathing problems. You may be having trouble breathing when sleeping, during exercise, or while simply going about your daily routine.
In this article, we will explore the detrimental effect larger breasts can have on your breathing and discuss some potential solutions, such as breast reduction.
The key factor in breasts causing respiratory issues is weight. Heavy breasts can cause women to work harder to breathe, as their breasts can weigh down the ribs and muscles, impeding the diaphragm.
Heavier breasts can also be an issue during sleep, especially when sleeping on your back.
Large breasts can have numerous negative health consequences, including:
There are a few ways to fight the negative consequences of large breasts:
Breast reduction is a cosmetic procedure that reduces the size of your breasts, as well as reshaping them to improve their positioning and symmetry.
Removing the unwanted extra weight from your breasts can help tackle these concerning breathing problems, as well as bringing an array of other important benefits.
While an excellent solution to the breathing problems induced by large breasts, the benefits of a reduction do not stop there.
The many advantages of a reduction surgery can be both medical and aesthetic and have the potential to drastically improve your quality of life.
A breast reduction procedure can alleviate back, neck, and shoulder issues, make exercise more accessible, and create a more symmetrical figure, with breasts proportionate to the rest of your body.
Understanding the potential costs of a breast reduction can be crucial to your planning. At the CREO Clinic in London, breast reduction surgery starts from £8,900.
A final cost breakdown will only be reached after your initial consultation, as your surgery must first be tailored to your individual needs.
The incisions used in your breast reduction can vary according to how extensive reduction is needed. A more extensive reduction may require more incisions to provide greater access to your excess skin and breast tissue.
All techniques require small incisions in different areas of the breasts in order to allow access to and removal of excess breast tissue.
As with any major surgery, a period of downtime is necessary. You should be able to return to work after one week, then to the majority of your regular routine after 2–3 weeks. More strenuous activities, including heavy lifting, will be off-limits for up to 6 weeks after the cosmetic procedure.
You should see the impact of your breast reduction almost immediately after the operation, but the final results of your cosmetic procedure should become visible after 6–12 months once any residual swelling has calmed down.
If you are interested in knowing more about breast reduction and what it can do for you, book a consultation with Dr. Omar Tillo, the CREO Clinic’s experienced breast reduction specialist.
Dr. Tillo will use his skill and extensive experience in the field to work with you to create a bespoke cosmetic treatment plan designed to meet your needs.
Once a plan is in place, he can start the work of reducing the size of your breasts to help relieve your bothersome breathing difficulties.
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