When stubborn pockets of excess fat prove resistant to dieting and exercise, the body can begin to lose its tone and definition.
Lipo 360, or circumferential liposuction, (commonly called 360 Lipo in the UK) is a highly effective liposuction procedure designed to restore this definition by targeting multiple areas to remove fat from around the full circumference of your midsection.
This article is a guide to 360 Lipo, detailing its many benefits and responding to some of the most common queries patients have about the procedure.
The CREO Clinic’s board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Omar Tillo, is a renowned expert in body contouring procedures and will use his skill and experience with 360 Lipo to reduce multiple pockets of stubborn fat deposits and remodel your torso with natural-looking results.
The 360 Lipo procedure uses liposuction in four separate areas to target and remove excess fat around the full circumference of the torso. The CREO Clinic generally uses Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL Lipo), as it specifically-designed vibrating cannulas increase effectiveness while reducing the risk of tissue damage. However, other techniques such as Vaser liposuction or BodyTite may also be used depending on your needs.
Whereas a traditional liposuction is a surgical procedure that may only target one area, 360 Lipo helps to facilitate the aesthetic transformation of whole sections of the body by removing excess fat cells from multiple target sites in one treatment.
The most important benefit of Lipo 360 is that it can tackle problem pockets of fat in four areas around the body: the upper and lower flanks and the upper and lower abdomen. Treating multiple sites allows your surgeon to fully remodel the midriff — more sites gives them a greater canvas to work on to create your desired enhancements.
Time to rest and recuperate after Lipo 360 is important, but patients should be back at work within a week or less. After 2 weeks you should feel comfortable returning to your full exercise regime, including even the most strenuous exercise. The final results of your body contouring surgery should be visible after just 6-12 weeks.
To further reduce downtime, lymphatic drainage massage is available at the CREO Clinic – this helps keep lymph fluid moving around your incision sites, thereby reducing inflammation and helping to promote faster, healthier healing. In addition, wearing a compression garment post liposuction surgery can help reduce swelling and improve results.
Lipo 360’s capacity for remodelling the midsection is much greater than traditional liposuction, and its aesthetic impact is deeper and more transformative. The effects are evident immediately after the surgery, and should be long-lasting, provided that your surgeons’ after-care instructions are followed.
There are four main areas that Lipo 360 can treat: your upper flanks and upper abdomen, and your lower flanks and lower abdomen. Targeting these four areas sculpts the midriff in its entirety, creating a full 360 degree transformation.
Unlike a traditional liposuction procedure, 360 Lipo is a more extensive liposuction treatment targeting the entire circumference of the torso. It aims to address pockets of unwanted fat in four distinct areas of the midsection in one procedure, usually requiring turning the patient over to treat their back and their front — hence the ‘360’ element of its name.
Its holistic approach means that 360 Lipo can create more comprehensive aesthetic improvements, leaving your physique with noticeably better tone and contour without the need to return for another cosmetic surgery.
Many procedures can be combined with 360 Lipo, depending on your individual needs and desired body shape. A combination of 360 Lipo and a Brazilian butt lift is a popular combination with several benefits. A tummy tuck can also be an excellent additional treatment to combine with 360 Lipo, as patients frequently experience lax skin around the torso along with excess fat deposits. The treatment of gynecomastia (or ‘man boobs’) can also be a highly beneficial complementary surgery.
The main benefit of combining 360 Lipo’s fat removal process with other cosmetic treatments is that the recovery from the different surgeries will run concurrently, which means less time off work overall and other daily activities.
A 360 Lipo candidate will be a healthy adult who is within their ideal body weight but looking to remove exercise resistant fat cells. It is also important that a potential 360 Lipo patient has no significant illnesses that might impede the treatment. A BMI of 35 and under is required for the surgery. To check whether your BMI is suitable for this procedure, use our handy BMI calculator.
Provided these criteria are met, anyone who desires to address their concerns about excess pockets of belly fat is an ideal candidate for the procedure.
To experience the many body shape benefits of 360 Lipo, book a consultation with Dr. Omar Tillo, the CREO Clinic’s esteemed body contouring surgeon in London.
Dr. Tillo has performed countless successful 360 Lipo, different types of liposuction and body contouring procedures over the course of his career, and his wealth of experience in the field enables him to help address long-standing cosmetic concerns by making lasting aesthetic enhancements to your body.
It is unlikely you will see sagging excess skin after liposuction, but any skin laxity you do experience should retract back into place over time. Should you be experiencing lax skin as well as fat deposits, consider a complementary treatment aimed at improving the texture and tone of the skin, such as Morpheus8, BodyTite, or a tummy tuck.
The maximum fat removal for 360 Lipo is 5 litres — this equates to roughly 4.5 Kg/10 lbs of weight removed. However, the aim of liposuction is not to lose weight, but rather to carefully target pockets of stubborn, exercise-resistant fat.
Yes, 360 Lipo tackles multiple areas around the torso, including the upper abdomen and upper flanks. Excess pockets of fat in these areas can sometimes create discomfort under your bra straps. nnShould you wish to specifically target lax skin all around the bra line, a bra line back lift can work to reduce inelastic skin and can be a perfect complement to 360 Lipo around the torso.
360 Lipo has many important advantages, but what makes it such a worthwhile treatment is its comprehensive contouring of the midsection.nnThe cosmetic procedure takes a holistic approach that can drastically reshape the torso with permanent effects. For the vast majority of patients who undergo 360 Lipo, its impact is invaluable, making permanent enhancements to the physique. Contact the CREO Clinic today to learn more about Lipo 360.
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