
How Much Do Breast Implants Weigh & How Can That Impact Your Surgery?

How Much Do Breast Implants Weigh

The weight of breast implants can vary depending on the size of the enhancement in question. There are also differences between implant types and the fabrication methods of different manufacturers. Variations in implant weight can impact both surgery and recovery, so it is important to understand the role weight differences may play in your surgery

With this in mind, this article will explore weight differences between implants and help to explain what you can expect from an augmentation surgery.

At the CREO Clinic breast surgery is only performed by experienced, specialist breast augmentation surgeons, such as our Medical Director, Dr. Omar Tillo. His many years  performing successful breast surgeries for patients with varied needs and goals allows him to make artful, natural-looking enhancements to the breasts.

Book a consultation at the CREO Clinic today and discover the ways our surgical team can transform the appearance of your breasts.

How Much Do Breast Implants Weigh &Amp; How Can That Impact Your Surgery? Medically reviewed by Dr. Omar Tillo MD, MS, EBOPRAS, FRCS (Plast)

The Average Weight of Breast Implants

Weight of Silicone Breast Implants

In general, silicone breast implants can weigh a very small amount more than their saline volume equivalent. 

Every 1cc of silicone breast implant volume weighs around 1g, meaning a 100cc implant weighs around 100g, a 300cc implant will weigh around 300g and so on. The overall weight is doubled if an implant is being inserted in both breasts.

Weight of Saline Breast Implants

Saline breast implants are similar in weight to silicone breast implants but very slightly lighter. Every one of saline implant volume weighs around 0.95g, meaning a typical 300cc breast implant weighs around 285g.

To understand the main differences between saline and silicone implants, take a look at our blog post dedicated to the topic.

How The Weight Of Breast Implants can Impact Your Surgery

Surgical Procedure

The weight of your breast implants can impact breast implant procedure in a few ways. 

Firstly, when using heavier implants, your surgeon may prefer to insert the implant under the muscle (sub-pectoral) to give it extra support. Whether this technique is used or not will depend on your breasts – thinner breast tissue and skin will make sub muscular implants more likely if heavier implants are used.

Smaller implants may be inserted above the muscle (pre-pectoral) as there will be less risk of rippling or movement of the implant.

Recovery Time

The weight of your implants can have some impact on the length of your recovery after surgery. Heavier implants can create more pressure on the tissues and blood vessels as you heal, and this can cause extended swelling and bruising and lengthen your healing process overall.

However, it is important to note that every patient recovers at their own pace as we each have our individual capacity for recovery. 

Choosing an experienced breast augmentation surgeon is the best way to optimise your recovery, as they will understand how best to insert implants of varied sizes – experience with patients of diverse aesthetic needs allows them to optimise results and minimise discomfort.


In the hands of less experienced breast surgeons, heavy implants may cause extra tension on your incisions during healing. This could lead to thicker or more prominent scars. At the CREO Clinic, our specialist breast implant surgeons use advanced suture techniques and monitoring during follow-up appointments to keep this risk as low as possible.

Laser scar removal is also available to reduce the appearance of any post-surgical scarring.

Selecting The Right Size Breast Implants For You

The process of selecting the right size breast implants for you begins with an initial consultation at our clinic. Your surgeon will make assessments of your needs by talking through your aesthetic goals, medical history and expectations for the surgery.

A physical examination will be performed during this consultation to get a clear picture of breast skin and tissue, as well as your body’s proportions. From this, your surgeon will be able to judge which volume implant will best achieve your desired breast size and shape.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Are Breast Implants Measured?

Breast implants are measured in volume (i.e. cubic centimetres or cc) as the implants are made out of silicone shells that can hold liquid such as saline or viscous material such as liquid silicone.

How Does Breast Implant Weight Affect Your Body?

If the size of your implants are not tailored to be in proportion with your frame and the physical demands of your lifestyle, they can sometimes cause discomfort, such as aches in the neck, back, and shoulder. They can also cause tissue to stretch your posture to change over time. 

An experienced cosmetic surgeon will ensure your breast implants are in proportion with your frame and therefore less likely to cause complications.

Can Heavier Breast Implants Lead To Complications In Recovery?

Heavy breast implants that are mismatched with your breasts skin and tissue, can place more tension on your surgical incisions and lead to poor healing. In rare cases, heavy implants can lead to skin necrosis and wound reopening – both of which can affect the quality of your scars. 

Risks of such complications are minimised significantly by choosing an experienced breast implant specialist to perform your surgery.

Learn More About CREO Clinic’s Breast Augmentation Surgery Today

Contact the CREO Clinic today to speak with a specialist breast augmentation surgeon and discover the ways breast implants could improve the volume and shape of your breasts. Our surgical team has performed countless successful breast augmentations, always working to advise patients on the implant size that will both look and feel natural.