
Gynecomastia Surgery Cost UK

Handsome Young Man Standing At The Beach

Gynecomastia (or “man boobs”) is a common condition among men characterised by the overdevelopment of breast tissue. The removal of this excess tissue and skin to flatten and sculpt the area is known as gynecomastia surgery, frequently referred to as a male breast reduction. Read this article to find out more about this cosmetic procedure and its associated cost here at the CREO Clinic. 

Gynecomastia Surgery Cost Uk Medically reviewed by Dr. Omar Tillo MD, MS, EBOPRAS, FRCS (Plast)

How Much Does Gynecomastia Cost in the UK?

As it is tailored to each patient, gynecomastia surgery cost will only be determined following a 1-on-1 consultation with our surgeon Dr Tillo. In general, prices for the cosmetic surgery are as follows: 

  • Open excision of gynecomastia (LA) – £6,900
  • Open excision of gynecomastia – £8,350
  • Gynecomastia liposuction and open excision – £8,900
  • Gynecomastia correction with liposuction, open excision, and skin tightening – £12,900

What’s Included in the Gynecomastia Surgery Price?

The above-quoted price includes the following:

  • Surgeon’s fees
  • Administered anaesthetics
  • Use of the CQC registered surgical facility
  • Compression garments
  • Three follow-up appointments 

Is The Cost of Gynecomastia Surgery Covered by Insurance?

As gynecomastia surgery is a cosmetic procedure, it is not usually available through the NHS or covered by private insurers. Rare exceptions may be made to eligibility if: a patient has had gynecomastia for a long time; it has not previously responded to other treatment, and it’s causing severe pain or distress. Make sure to speak to your insurer if you think you may meet these criteria. 

How to Choose a Gynecomastia Surgeon

If you are thinking about pursuing gynecomastia treatment, you need to find a plastic surgeon that is both qualified and experienced. It is important that you check your surgeon’s qualifications to ensure that they are board-certified with extensive training shown in their records. Furthermore, ensure that the surgeon has a significant amount of experience in the niche field of gynecomastia procedures. This will mean that they have mastered the skills and artistry required to produce optimum results. Finally, read up on the safety precautions your surgeon will take throughout the cosmetic surgery.

What Causes Gynecomastia?

Men usually produce less oestrogen levels (the hormone that controls the growth of breast tissue) and more testosterone (which reduces the effects of oestrogen) compared to women. When these two hormones become imbalanced, excessive breast tissue can develop. This can occur at any age for numerous reasons: 

  • Obesity. Obesity can increase oestrogen production, with excess fat also causing breasts to develop a more pronounced appearance. 
  • Ageing. As men age, levels of testosterone decrease and body fat increases, leading to increased breast tissue.
  • Puberty. Hormonal imbalances can occur among teenage boys as they go through puberty, although resultant gynecomastia often disappears naturally as hormone levels become stabilised
  • Oestrogen in newborns. As oestrogen is transferred from the mother’s placenta, newborn babies can develop gynecomastia. This condition is only temporary and disappears in the first few weeks after birth. 

Gynecomastia Procedure

Gynecomastia surgery is tailored to an individual patient’s need, combining a range of different techniques and surgeries, including the potential use of liposuction to remove excess fat deposits. Your surgeon will determine and discuss a step-by-step treatment plan with you during your consultation.  

A typical gynecomastia procedure lasts 1-3 hours and can involve either local, sedation, or general anaesthetic. Once anaesthetic is administered, the surgeon makes an incision around the nipples. Both the size and placement of these incisions depend on a range of factors, including the amount of excess tissue. After this, the surgeon removes the excess glandular tissue and skin. Finally, the surgeon tightens the remaining skin while stitching the incisions.


Following your cosmetic surgery, you may have some swelling, soreness, and bruising around the affected region that should lessen gradually in the first few days. You should be able to resume most of your daily routine within 1-2 weeks but should avoid strenuous exercise until six weeks after the cosmetic surgery.


You should notice results immediately after your cosmetic surgery, with the chest area appearing flatter and more contoured. Results will become fully apparent after swelling has completely subsided, which usually takes up to six months. Scarring from surgery is usually minimal and will fade over time. 

Is Gynecomastia Worth It?

Many men report poorer self-esteem and quality of life due to gynecomastia. Surgery aimed at resolving the associated cosmetic worries can help boost confidence and therefore be worthwhile, with more and more men across the UK pursuing gynecomastia for this very reason.  

Schedule a Consultation with CREO Clinic Today

If you have concerns about gynecomastia or seek to enhance the contours of your chest, gynecomastia surgery might be for you. Find out more about gynecomastia surgery here at the CREO Clinic by scheduling a consultation with Dr Omar Tillo, our double board-certified surgeon specialising in body contouring surgery for men with extensive training in gynecomastia procedures.