woman's face after profhilo treatment

Anti Wrinkle Injections in London

Wrinkles are a normal part of the ageing process, caused by the skin getting thinner and losing elastin. As this happens, wrinkles, fine lines and creases form. 

When the muscles around the face are contracted during muscle movement, dynamic wrinkles like frown lines and crow’s feet appear. Over time, and with repeated use, these lines become deeper, static wrinkles. Our specialists in London can help build a personalised treatment plan to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

At the CREO Clinic, we use anti-wrinkle injections to prevent static wrinkles developing, helping to maintain a youthful appearance. Contact the CREO Clinic to book a consultation with one of our specialists, and enjoy a refreshed and smoother complexion. 

What are Anti Wrinkle Injections? 

Anti-wrinkle injections are an aesthetic medical treatment to prevent static wrinkles from forming and smooth fine lines that have already formed. The purified proteins in anti wrinkle injections work by preventing the signal between the nerve and the muscle, allowing the facial muscles to relax. 

As a result, anti-wrinkle injectables can prevent new, static wrinkles from developing, and can soften the appearance of established wrinkles caused by facial expressions and other factors.  For these reasons, anti-wrinkle injections are a kind of non surgical facelift.

Anti Wrinkle Injections Before and After

How Much Do Anti Wrinkle Injections Cost in London?

The price of anti-wrinkle injections can depend on the number of areas treated. Examples of common treatment areas include the forehead, frown lines and crow’s feet. 

During your consultation, we will perform a thorough assessment to determine which parts of the face require anti-wrinkle treatment, and the financing plans that we offer. In general, prices at the CREO Clinic are as follows:

One AreaTwo AreasThree Areas

What To Expect During Anti Wrinkle Injection Procedure

We will discuss your bespoke treatment plan with you prior to the procedure. Your anti wrinkle treatment will consist of a series of small injectable treatments into the muscles around the face. These are designed to help the muscles relax and prevent static wrinkles from appearing. Anti wrinkle injections are usually well tolerated, though patients may feel a short, pinching sensation. 

How Long Does The Procedure Take?

Injectable anti wrinkle treatments are usually short but can vary depending on the number of areas being treated. In general, anti wrinkle injections appointments, including the consultation time, typically take an hour. 

Anti Wrinkle Injection Recovery and Aftercare

After your anti-wrinkle injection treatment, you may have some small bumps at the injection site(s). These usually settle within 30 minutes of treatment. There may also be some mild bruising around the treatment area, though this should gradually subside within a few days. 

Downtime is minimal, and most patients are able to return to daily activities immediately. However, you should avoid strenuous exercise and alcohol consumption for the first 24 hours after treatment. In addition, you should avoid placing pressure on the treatment area during this time. 

Anti Wrinkle Injection Results

How Quickly Do Anti Wrinkle Injections Start Working?

Anti wrinkle injections begin to work 3-5 days after treatment. After this, the muscles will soften and relax, improving the appearance of existing fine lines and wrinkles while preventing new ones from developing. 

Factors That Affect How Quickly Botulinum Toxin Works

There are an array of factors that can impact how quickly and effectively anti wrinkle injections work:

  • Skill of practitioner – The precision of anti wrinkle injections is very important, so it is crucial to look for an experienced clinician who can administer accurate, well-placed anti-wrinkle injections.
  • Strength of muscle – Stronger muscles may respond more slowly to anti-wrinkle injections, and may require slightly higher quantities of product to achieve the same impact.
  • Age – As younger people tend to have stronger, more active muscles, this may have an impact on how long it takes for the injections to take effect. 
  • Lifestyle choices and health – Smoking and sun exposure can affect the quality of your skin, which can impact how responsive you are to anti-wrinkle injections.

Is There Anything You Can Do To Speed Up Results?

To optimise the speed with which anti-wrinkle injections therapy works, try to ensure you maintain good hydration, a healthy diet, abstain from smoking, and try to avoid long exposure to UV rays. 

Taking these steps can have a modest effect on speeding up results, but the most important step you can take is to choose an experienced aesthetic doctor to perform the injections.

How Long Do the Effects of the Injections Last?

Anti wrinkle injections should be repeated every three months as most of their effects will have worn off by this time. However, the more frequently you have treatments, the longer results typically last. 

Facial Features Addressed by Anti Wrinkle Injections

Forehead Lines

Forehead lines and wrinkles are a common sign of ageing, caused by the muscles contracting in the area. This can happen when you raise your eyebrows, are concentrating, squinting or frowning. Anti wrinkle injections are commonly used in this area to manage these wrinkles by preventing muscle contraction. 

Crow’s Feet 

Crow’s feet describe the small, fine lines that develop around the side of the eyes. As the skin around the eyes is thinner, it is more susceptible to the signs of ageing. Anti wrinkle injections can be used to promote a more youthful eye area by preventing and alleviating crow’s feet.

Bunny Lines

Bunny lines describe the diagonal and vertical wrinkles on the bridge and sides of the nose. These wrinkles become more evident when smiling or laughing. By relaxing the muscles with anti-wrinkle treatment, bunny lines can be effectively prevented. 

Anti Wrinkle Injection FAQs

How Much Do Anti Wrinkle Injections Cost In London?

The price of anti wrinkle injections can vary depending on the size and number of areas requiring treatment. At the CREO Clinic, we provide doctor-led treatments to ensure the best possible care and results, with prices starting from £295 for one area, £385 for two areas and £475 for three areas.

What Does The Aftercare Process Look Like?

Following anti-wrinkle injections, you should follow aftercare instructions provided by your doctor. It is advised that you avoid lying flat for 4-6 hours after treatment. For the first 24 hours, you should also avoid intense exercise and massaging the treatment area(s). You may experience some bruising in the treatment area, though this should gradually subside within a few days and can be managed by applying a cool compress to the area.

Are Anti Wrinkle Injections Covered By the NHS?

Anti wrinkle injections are not usually covered by insurance for cosmetic reasons. In some cases these injectables can help treat medical issues like excessive sweating and migraines. This use of the treatment should be discussed with an experienced medical professional.

Do Anti Wrinkle Injections Hurt?

Anti wrinkle injections are not usually painful. Instead, patients report a sensation like a quick prick or a mild pinching sensation that only lasts a few seconds. At the CREO Clinic, our clinical team are experts in pain management and will work to ensure your experience is as comfortable as possible at all times.

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