
Your Guide to Possible Hyaluronic Acid Buttock Injections Side Effects

Hyaluronic Acid Buttock Injections Side Effects

Targeted dermal filler injections in the buttocks can be a highly effective way to enhance their  shape and volume without the need for a more permanent surgery, such as a BBL. As with any treatment, hyaluronic acid (HA) filler injections have the potential to create side effects, so it is important to have a clear picture of what you can expect.

For this reason, we have put together a guide to the possible side effects from buttock augmentation using HA injections, informed by the expertise and knowledge of our experienced clinical team.

At the CREO Clinic, we ensure you are treated by experts in buttock augmentation – the application of dermal filler to enhance the buttocks is always performed by skilled medical practitioners. Our Medical Director, Dr. Omar Tillo, has a proven history of achieving excellent aesthetic outcomes with ultrasound-assisted injections that prioritise patient safety.

Book a consultation at the CREO Clinic today and find out how our aesthetic team can enhance the volume and shape of your buttocks with dermal filler.

Your Guide To Possible Hyaluronic Acid Buttock Injections Side Effects Medically reviewed by Dr. Omar Tillo MD, MS, EBOPRAS, FRCS (Plast)

Common Side Effects for Hyaluronic Injections in the Buttocks


A degree of swelling after HYAcorp injections is common, but this is usually temporary and should dissipate 3-7 days after treatment. In some cases you may experience residual swelling for a few weeks after the injections.


With any injection, some bruising is common and is not typically a source of concern. In the experience of our practitioners, bruising is non-existent in 50% of buttock filler patients, whereas 45% experience some mild bruising that disappears within 2-3 days. The remaining 5% of patients may experience more severe bruising that can take 2-3 weeks to disappear. 

Mild Discomfort at the Injection Sites

The discomfort felt after hyaluronic acid injections is often described as a mild tenderness and is rarely long lasting. Our aesthetic team recommends patients avoid over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen and paracetamol, as these can potentially increase bruising. As with the management of bruising and swelling, applying  ice packs in the hours and days after injections may help reduce discomfort.

During the procedure, we can also inject local anaesthetic, though it is usually well tolerated by patients. 

Rare Potential Side Effects


With any injection or puncturing of the skin, there is a risk of infection, but an experienced aesthetic team will always take all the necessary precautions to avoid this outcome. 

The symptoms can include redness, pus and/or pain at the injection site. Infection can also bring a fever – if you are experiencing this or any of the other symptoms, be sure to contact your Aesthetic Doctor as soon as possible.

Nerve damage

Intramuscular injections, such as the delivery of dermal filler, can cause sciatic nerve injury if the person injecting is not trained or injects too deeply into the muscle. At CREO, our HYAcorp injections are done by our plastic surgeon, Dr. Tillo, who has all the training necessary to ensure the safe delivery of dermal filler to the buttocks. 

Vascular occlusion

Vascular occlusion is when the filler used for buttock augmentation accidentally blocks a blood vessel and prevents blood from flowing to the area. If left untreated, this can cause tissue death. 

The possibility of vascular occlusion is minimised significantly by ensuring you are treated by an experienced aesthetic doctor. At CREO, Dr. Tillo uses ultrasound to guide the placement of the dermal filler, significantly reducing the risk of vascular occlusions.

Tips for Avoiding Side Effects from a Hyaluronic Buttock Injection

Stop Taking Blood Thinners 1 Week Before Your Treatment

Certain medications and supplements can thin your blood, which can worsen bruising and bleeding. Avoid taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as ibuprofen, also avoid aspirin, vitamin E, or omega-3 fatty acids for the week before your treatment to minimise any risk.

Avoid Applying Cosmetics to the Treatment Area a Few Days Prior

It is important to avoid applying cosmetics such as lotions or creams to the buttocks in a few days prior to your injections as these cosmetic products can potentially introduce bacteria into the area – keeping bacteria to a minimum in the few days before your treatment will help prevent infection.

Avoid Alcoholic Beverages Leading Up to & After Your Procedure

Alcohol can have an impact on your body’s ability to heal and can increase bruising, so it is a good idea to avoid alcohol for the 24 hours before and after your treatment.

Keep the Treatment Area Clean

Our aesthetic team takes every precaution to ensure your treatment sites are sterile and clean before the injections are made – antiseptic solutions will be used to help reduce bacteria. However, it is important in the days running up to your treatment that you endeavour to keep the area clean.

Avoid Excessive Heat After Your Treatment

The presence of excessive heat can exacerbate swelling and redness after injections have been administered. Steer clear of sources of heat such as hot tubs, saunas or exposure to strong sunlight. Swelling after hyaluronic acid injections is usually minimal, but keeping the sites cool will help swelling subside.

Avoid Smoking After

In the days leading up to and after your injections, try to abstain from smoking/vaping – nicotine can negatively impact your body’s ability to heal wounds, so stopping smoking will help reduce the time it takes for your injection sites to fully recover.

Avoid Strenuous Activity

Strenuous exercise or activities that put pressure on your treatment site could pull at the skin around your injections and reopen the wounds. Avoid strenuous activity for one week after your treatment. 

Keep the Treatment Area Dry As Best You Can After Your Procedure

Doing your best to keep the treatment area dry after your injections will have multiple benefits. Excess moisture can create conditions for bacteria to grow and increase the possibility of infection. As well as keeping bacteria to a minimum, dry conditions also help puncture wounds heal more quickly as moist skin can remain soft and allow for wounds to reopen.

Consult an Experienced Plastic Surgeon About Any Other Concerns Regarding Hyaluronic Acid Buttock Injection Side Effects

Contact the CREO Clinic today to book a consultation with an aesthetic doctor to discover the benefits of higher hyaluronic acid injections and understand its potential side-effects. The experience and skill of our aesthetic team means all necessary caution is taken to avoid side-effects and ensure the very best aesthetic results.